Still more photos of Pawel Chrzanowski’s 10mm ACW figures!


Here is the third installment of selected photos sent to me by Polish wargamer and figure painter Pawel Chrzankowski. He heavily customized the figures to add baggy pants and other details. His painting quality is among the very best that I seen to date.


Now, carefully check out this stand of Johnny Rebs -aren’t they painted magnificently? Shadowed, highlighted, and washed: these are simply terrific!


Pawel not only paints sweet looking American Civil War figures, but he also does some of the best looking Napoleonics that you will ever see. Check out these horsemen!


And, not to be satisfied with just showing the fancy cavaliers, here are some grunts – the common foot soldier. There’s nothing common about the painting of these wee warriors! And, now back to something I know far, far better than Napoleon, Wellington, Blucher, and Ney — the American Civil War!




Categories: Civil War wargaming, Wargaming in general | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Still more photos of Pawel Chrzanowski’s 10mm ACW figures!

  1. I am stunned after looking at these. What kind of microscope did he use to shade and highlight these?

  2. Mike Wedding

    Wow! I wish I could paint my 20-22mm that good!

  3. castay

    very nice miniatures. Could you give me the manufacturer name ?
    Specially for the ACW miniatures.
    Thanks in advance.

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