On-line ACW naval ship registry!

Some of my fleet of 1:600 Thoroughbred and Peter Pig American Civil War riverine / naval ironclads and ships.

Scott Downing, a veteran gamemaster from the Carlisle region of central Pennsylvania,  recently came across my CHARGE! blog and subsequently contacted me. As I am a neophyte at ACW naval gaming, I am always interested in soaking up more information on the Civil War navies and fleets, and their battles and tactics. He has his own blog on WordPress as well and we have since recently exchanged link to each others’ wargaming blogs.  Scott just recently started an ACW Naval Shop and Boat Registry, which he is hoping to have it to a point where it becomes a one-stop shop for information on a particular vessel.

This is the registry:  http://cavernofcarnage.wordpress.com/acw-naval/

Scott welcomes your input as to your own research and findings on ships of both the Confederate and Union navies, including brownwater and other riverine, deep sea, and coastal.

He is looking for people that can provide info that is missing on the current registry. Users can simply leave comments on the ships page with the info and its source, and he will update the page.

So, pay a visit to his neat blog and type away! Any and all documented information is appreciated!

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