Saturday games at Cold Wars 2010

Phil Viverto’s impressive Battle of Alesia, an ancient Roman/Gaul battle

I spent much of Saturday, March 13 at the annual Cold Wars miniature wargaming convention in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I sold a lot of books at the flea market and shopped at the dealer hall. In between, I took a few photos of several different games being presented in the Distlefink Ballroom and in the meeting rooms of the Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center, as well as a couple nice mini-dioramas / vignettes on display in the dealer hall.

The above photo was my favorite game to view during the entire convention. The gamemaster has a small fortune (well, maybe a large fortune) tied up in the spectacular fortifications, which the picture does not do justice to. It was quite simply, one of the finest layouts I have yet seen for the ancients period.

Here are some photographs… click on them to enlarge the images for better viewing.

I liked this nice model church, which dominated the wintery terrain from this World War II game. It was quite well done.

The U.S. Cavalry and associated Indian scouts protect a wagon train headed for the distant fort. Thousands of hostiles lurk in the far distance.

The natives are restless… a raiding party heads for the fort while most of the garrison is out protecting the wagons.

A very sweet 25mm Antietam game depicting Burnside’s Bridge over Antietam Creek, with the distant hillside dotted with armed Rebels from Georgia.

This well painted display model was at one of the vendor’s booths in the dealer hall. I can’t imagine taking the time to paint something of this magnitude. I will stick with 15mm ACW and 1:600 Thoroughbred ACW naval ironclads and vessels.

The good folks playing in this game were laughing and having an obvious good time. One of the unique charms of major wargaming conventions is getting to see old friends and renewing fellowships.

This game featured some of Doug Kline’s excellent terrain pieces he sells over the Internet and at the HMGS cons, JohnnyCon and other conventions. His business is Battlefield Terrain Concepts.

Another view of this great ancients miniature wargaming layout!!! You had to be there to truly appreciate it…

Another very nice and well positioned vignette from the dealer hall at Cold Wars 2010…

For some more photographs from the convention, please visit my earlier blog entry.

Categories: Conventions, Wargaming in general | Tags: | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Saturday games at Cold Wars 2010

  1. Alvin

    The stagecoach and ACW diorama are both from Sash and Saber.

  2. Christin Sciulli


    The fort-game that you really liked is Phil Viverto’s Battle of Alesia, which is an ancient Roman/Gaul battle. . . so not medieval 😉

  3. Thanks! I am a Civil War guy, so anything older than Robert E. Lee and William T. Sherman all blends together…

  4. Anonymous

    who made the church and were can i get one?

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